Masse adesive acriliche omogenee, continue, con eccellenti prestazioni in diversi colori e spessori.

Creati per esigenze estreme: sia per applicazioni industriali che automobilistiche: I nastri adesivi ad alta protezione della serie Coroplast 9000 SPT sono un metodo sicuro ed economico per fissare in modo permanente diversi materiali. Sistemi d’assemblaggio meccanico come viti, rivetti, saldature o brasature possono, in molti casi, essere sostituiti  in modo affidabile dai nastri adesivi ad alta prestazione Coroplast.



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Masse adesive acriliche omogenee, continue, con eccellenti prestazioni in diversi colori e spessori. Creati per esigenze estreme: sia per applicazioni industriali che automobilistiche: I... read more »
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Masse adesive acriliche omogenee, continue, con eccellenti prestazioni in diversi colori e spessori.

Creati per esigenze estreme: sia per applicazioni industriali che automobilistiche: I nastri adesivi ad alta protezione della serie Coroplast 9000 SPT sono un metodo sicuro ed economico per fissare in modo permanente diversi materiali. Sistemi d’assemblaggio meccanico come viti, rivetti, saldature o brasature possono, in molti casi, essere sostituiti  in modo affidabile dai nastri adesivi ad alta prestazione Coroplast.



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  • Nell’industria pubblicitaria e di display
  • Nell’industria elettronica
  • Nei colorifici
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Coroplast 9410 SPT High-performance adhesive tapes, coloured, transcluent
Coroplast 9410 SPT High-performance adhesive...
High-performance adhesive tapes,coloured, transcluent Coloured, transcluent adhesive tape made of a visoelastic acrylic adhesive mass with very good ability to adapt to bonding components Particulary suitable for applications that...
From €34.12 *
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Coroplast 9904 SPT - High performance adhesive tapes, modified
Coroplast 9904 SPT - High performance adhesive...
High-Performance adhesive tapes, modified Highly elastic acrylic adhesive with very strong immediate adhesion, e.g. to automotive and powder coatings, or to high- or low- energy surfaces Viscoelastic and therefore optimal for tight...
From €37.44 *
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Coroplast 9908 SPT - High performance adhesive tapes, modified
Coroplast 9908 SPT - High performance adhesive...
High-Performance adhesive tapes, modified Highly elastic acrylic adhesive with very strong immediate adhesion, e.g. to automotive and powder coatings, or to high- or low- energy surfaces Viscoelastic and therefore optimal for tight...
From €43.08 *
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Coroplast 9911 SPT High performance adhesive tapes
Coroplast 9911 SPT High performance adhesive tapes
High-Performance adhesive tapes, modified Highly elastic acrylic adhesive with very strong immediate adhesion, e.g. to automotive and powder coatings, or to high- or low- energy surfaces Viscoelastic and therefore optimal for tight...
From €46.31 *
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Coroplast 9915 SPT High-performance adhesive tapes
Coroplast 9915 SPT High-performance adhesive tapes
High-Performance adhesive tapes, modified Highly elastic acrylic adhesive with very strong immediate adhesion, e.g. to automotive and powder coatings, or to high- or low- energy surfaces Viscoelastic and therefore optimal for tight...
From €77.01 *
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